Joanna Perkins
Joanna Perkins has been in the libraries/archives/records and information management field for over 30 years. After attending the University of Missouri, she was on the library staff at Columbia College, working in both the technical and reference areas. Moving on to the Secretary of State’s office, Joanna worked at the Missouri State Archives and Local Records Program, first in reference and later as the state’s first electronic records archivist, assisting state and local government agencies in the preservation of their records of long-term and permanent value, and writing and managing federal grants. Joanna later worked at the Office of State Courts Administrator, identifying record groups for access and preservation in the CASEnet system. After OSCA, Joanna worked at the Missouri Baptist Convention, where she organized fund-raising and worked on grant preparation for historic preservation, developed a records retention schedule for churches, and conducted training for church staff on records retention and preservation. Through her career, Joanna’s passion has always been helping people find what they needed to be successful, and she hopes to continue that with OzSBI.