Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Ozarks Small Business Incubator (OzSBI)?

We are a business incubator located in West Plains, Missouri serving Douglas, Howell, Oregon, Ozark, Shannon, Texas, and Wright Counties. We help new businesses start and existing businesses flourish. We offer exceptional mentorship, affordable office space, business trainings and professional development seminars, marketing counseling, microloans up to $25,000, and great networking opportunities to help you start and grow your business.

How do incubators work?

Incubators reduce the risks of small business failure by nurturing firms in their start-up years. 87% of companies that graduate from incubators are still in business after five years versus 20% for non-incubator firms. We improve your odds.

Do you only work with startup businesses?

We work with existing businesses and manufacturing companies in addition to startups. In fact half of the businesses we work with are existing. Many join us as Tenants or Affiliate Clients to take their business to the next level. Other existing business owners attend workshops to improve their business skills or send their key managers to our professional development seminars. As a business assistance organization, we support the development of all businesses.

Is my business too far along for OzSBI to help? Or are we too early?

We work effectively with both existing small businesses in industries of all sizes and sectors. As long as you are open to assistance, we can help and are excited to find a way to work together to grow your business.

Can you help with funding my business?

Yes we can! OzSBI operates a microloan program from which you can borrow up to $25,000 at low interest. It can be used as seed capital or as gap financing. We can share information about crowd funding platforms and angel investors. Our mentors can help you prepare your business plan to present to potential funders.

Do you offer any free programs?

Yes, we have a free Lunch & Learn every month. Bring your lunch, meet other entrepreneurs and learn something new for your business. It is held the third Thursday at noon. Visit our workshops and events page for details. We also host business mixers throughout the year. They are a great place to network and make new connections.

Can I use space on a temporary basis?

Yes, we have a few options for you. You can become a Coworker and use a collaborative workspace with high-speed internet and 24/7 access. Or you also can rent a private office by the day.

How do I get started?

We want to talk to you. Call us to make an appointment or come by for a tour. You can reach us at 417-256-9724 or

Let’s get in touch

Do you have an idea for a new business? We want to talk to you.

Are you running a business and want mentoring, funding, or connections to get to the next level? We really want to talk to you. Are you someone just as passionate as we are about accelerating the business community in the Ozarks? Then we need to talk to you.

Regardless of where you’re at, get in touch!